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Understanding and Embracing Menopause

Understanding Early and Premature Menopause Menopause marks the end of menstrual cycles in women, typically occurring between 45 and 55 years of age, with 51 being the average. However, a minority of women experience this phase earlier.

Stages and Symptoms of Menopause

Early Menopause and Premature Menopause

Understanding Early and Premature Menopause marks the end of menstrual cycles.


The menopause is when a woman stops having her period and her ovaries lose their reproductive function.

Post Menopause

The time of a woman’s life following menopause is called post menopause. A woman is considered

What Causes The Menopause?

As a woman gets older, her store of eggs in her ovaries decreases, as does her ability to conceive. Less and less oestrogen is produced, causing the body to behave differently. The body does not stop producing oestrogen overnight, and the process can take several years. This change is called the peri-menopause.
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